Health care professionals are commonly faced with stress at their work place that can negatively affect their psychological, social, physical and mental wellbeing and subsequently decrease their commitment and engagement to work. Medical Laboratory Scientists being essential part of health team, sometimes work under pressure, as they must meet up with timeline, pay attention to details and maintain precision and accuracy of results at all times. Joggling in between personal lives, aspirations and professional duties and responsibilities can be a source of stress. Stress is defined as mental, emotional and physical factors that cause mental or bodily tension. Work stress on the other hand refers to influence or challenges at work place that can adversely affect the employees physical, behavioral, emotional or psychological well-being and overall output of the organization. For medical laboratory scientists, it refers to those situations in medical laboratory work environment that creates tension in us and put us under pressure and ultimately have negative impact on our health and the laboratory or hospital in general. For us to deal with stress, we need to recognize when our stress levels are increasing. Stress can manifest differently symptomatically in diverse individuals and this course will help you understand and recognize stress symptoms as well as coping and management strategies.