Dear Users,This is to inform you that we have successfully upgraded our eLearning Platform to a more recent and stable version. To this end, you will be required to update your data so as to be assigned a unique Registration ID. Kindly follow the instructions below to quickly and successful update your data.
For MLS (Medical Laboratory Scientists)
1. For all MLS in Nigeria, you will be required to choose your MLS type i.e RA/RF.'
2. You will be required to input your number only in the second box provided eg. if your Registered number with MLSCN is RF999, you will be required to choose RF under MLS type and then input 00999 in the box for ID number.
3. Given that you have successfully complied with the above instructions, your Registration ID will be automatically updated to read your MLSCN Reg number.
For Non-MLS
1. Kindly choose 'non' under MLS Type
2. Select a number which is unique to you under the registration ID
3. The system will assign you this ID number if it hasn't been selected already in the system. However, if the number has already been selected, you will have to choose one that is available.
We are sorry for any inconvenience this might cause you, however, this is necessary to ensure a smooth service delivery to all our users. If you have any issue or need further assistance kindly send a mail to .